Sparrow made me lol :-D
Anders Andersen
JoinedPosts by Anders Andersen
October 10, 2017 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS Re: Branch Relocation Newsletter (UK)
by wifibandit inoctober 10, 2017 to all congregations re: branch relocation—newsletter.
britain branch relocation project edition 6 autumn 2017.
Did you leave the JW RECENTLY? Really? Recently? WTF were you thinking?
by The Real Edward Gentry innot to be overly harsh...but if you just left, what the hell were you thinking?
between 1995 and now, you never did an internet search of "jehovahs-witness" or "watchtower"?
good god.
Anders Andersen
They are trapped in a mental Prison. They build and maintain the bars of the Prison themselves, thinking they are doing the right thing.
That's exactly why I never really researched JW beliefs until I allowed myself to do so when I was already 35.
It takes time to chisel away those prison bars, especially when it's yourself who is building and maintaining these bars at the same time....
Who has a harder time leaving JW's - Born Ins or those who converted?
by HeyLittleGirl inmy freind (who is also out) and i were talking about this the other night.
i was a born-in, 3rd generation jw and she converted when she was in her late 20's.. when she left, she said that she knew the world wasn't as bad as she was told as a jw, so she knew she would be fine.
also, she still had lots of "worldly" family who welcomed her back with open arms.. it was harder for me - i had nobody in the "world", no family or freinds.
Anders Andersen
I guess it's much harder to adapt to life outside the cult for born-ins.
They never knew normal. They don't know how to behave socially, they have warped views of personal boundaries.
On top of that more likely than not a good part of their family is JW, and all of their friends.
Converts probably know how to behave outside the cult. They have non JW family. They may have retained some non-JW friends at the back burner.
However, 66% of born-ins eventually leave the JW, vs 33% who eventually leave JW over all members (if I recall correctly).
That would mean that almost all who leave are born-ins. Converts are apparently really really sure and blinded (maybe because the 'sunk cost' are much greater for them?).
Basically both are screwed, because it's a cult.
ARC—What's Next?
by Saename inso as we know, the wt changed very little with regards to how they respond to child sexual abuse allegations.
they basically ignored the australian royal commission's report on how they could improve their policies.
the watchtower is left alone in australia to do as they please, or will there be some kind of follow-up?
Anders Andersen
The goals of the ARC is to provide the government with information and recommendations. The government can use all that to create or alter laws regarding mandatory reporting by institutions of abuse they know about, a joint redress scheme, etc. Of course this will take time....likely some years.
In the mean time, quite some JW abuse cases were handed to the police to investigate. These cases are likely to be followed up on.
But all of this takes time. Too much time for our taste of course....
ANNUAL MEETING LETTER - To Zimbabwe congregations
by The Fall Guy ina nonprofit corporation .
watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania .
private bag wg-5001, westgate, zimbabwe telephone 08677 004 012; 0772 472 403/4 .
Anders Andersen
I think this will reduce preaching a lot.
For the really zealous, this change doesn't really matter. They were trying to bait people into
the recruitment processBible study anyway.For the less enthusiastic and zealous, this will reduce service hours. There are a lot of dubs who love the invitation campaigns because that's a lot better than offering mags or actually talking to people. These dubs will not be happy about having to start Bible studies. They'll be hiding under a rock instead.
So these dubs will continue to simply offer mags. But with much less issues and no monthly offers, that'll get boring pretty fast. So less hours in service as they can't arse themselves to go out.
On top of that, those with huge magazine 'routes' will get a lot less easy hours driving around territory placing mags with people they already know will take them. These hours will be lost now, or they'll have to do more cold calling door to door....
Wonderful news!
What was the biggest thing that convinced you that
by Ponyo in.....the truth was not the truth... ?
Anders Andersen
- Trying to find the overwhelming evidence in support of direct creation (and a 6000 year age of mankind). Came up empty. If not even JW literature - supposedly written under direction of the Creator himself - can present any decent evidence for creation, what argument do they have? All they try to do try to discredit evolution....
- In the process, discovering that Watchtower are deceitful, lying summabitchez who seem to be incapable of honestly presenting evidence that seems to contradict their beliefs. They also severely misrepresent scientist's views by selectively quoting out of context. There is not a single decent quote in the 7questions about life brochure. Lying motherf.....I'm still really pissed about that. If they'd be honest enough to say 'listen up guys, those science people have really strong looking arguments we can't refute, but they are with Satan....and we have the Bible and we believe our interpretation of Genesis is much better than what most other Christians yeah uhm just repeat after us: evolution is false, creation is true' they'd be ridiculous but honest at least. Now they're just ridiculous.
So yeah them lying summabitchez.
Help! Jehuba Is Casting Doubts In My Mind!
by sinboi inremember when we were "in"?
we were told that if we have doubts regarding the bible and regarding the wt, it is satan that is casting doubts in our mind?.
i have been out for 4 months now.
Anders Andersen
I never had any serious doubts after I realized God (most probably) doesn't exists, Jehovah surely doesn't exist, and the Bible is just like any other collection of myth and folklore mixed with some real history.
But just to be sure, when I first became an atheist I prayed a couple of times to Jdub. Not because I doubted my conclusions, but because I wanted to offer Jdub the benefit of the doubt anyway. Well surprise: no answer of any kind....
By the way why would an all-powerful God need random events and newspapers to make someone doubt. He can easily make someone know beyond any doubt, right?
Ps: I'm wondering why gay marriage etc trigger this for you, and not for example the 'persecution' in Russia, the earthquakes and storms, or the Korea-USA standoff?
I'm starting a Counter-Watchtower magazine
by Counter-Watchtower inim starting a counter-watchtower magazine for everyone to give to their jw friends and family or just to give to those that come to your door.
the first issue is about the history of pyramidology of c.t.
russel and under the start of rutherford along with some other things like pointing out the fact that no one knows the translators of the nwt or writers of the watchtower, "the two very things relied on to teach you".. its writen in such a way to be very repectful but to make the reader think, and hopefully the light come on.
Anders Andersen
If they won't take mine and read it why would they expect me to take theirs?
That's a good question, and I don't recall Witnesses having a good reply to it.
The internal reply is
"My magazine contains the Truth and your magazine contains Satan's lies. Therefore you should read mine, but I can't take yours"
Some JW actually say something along those lines when offered literature. Most realize this is quite disrespectful to say out loud and likely angers the other person, so they mumble something else embarrassedly.
Jehovah (As Taught By JWs) Offers A Bum Deal
by pale.emperor ini thought this during my wake up.
if you think about it, jehovahs promise for the faithful is actually a bum deal.
some would even say a con.
Anders Andersen
It gets even worse when you think about the billions of people who live their lives just as they see fit, and die at least 0.1 second before the big A comes.
They'll be ressurected too. Or so the fantasy goes.
They'll have the exact same reward as faithful JW who made their own life hell for their Dog.
JW teaching about the final war of “Gog and Magog” and identity of “North King” may be wrong. Here is an interesting development
by venus ina modern day jewish prophet who correctly predicted the six day war in 1967 and the yom kippur war in 1973 has also predicted north korea would bomb seoul which would culminate in the final war of gog and magog.. .
for details.
Anders Andersen
Apparently the Bible itself is confused
on this point.FTFY :-D